Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Of eyelet shawls and potluck dinners

The two things that are most top-of-mind right now: eyelet shawls and potluck dinners.

My current project, a pretty eyelet shawl in pink Ocean yarn, feels like it's finally moving along. I've been working on it for a few weeks now (although I must confess some of my time has also been distracted with other, shorter-term projects), and I've today reached the halfway point. Thanks to having no shade in my backyard, I staying inside to avoid a sunburn and watched several episodes of one of my fave TV shows, 24, while knitting away. Here are some pics of my progress.

As for potluck dinners, the LYS, Stitches with Style, is sponsoring a knit and eat tonight. Who knows what I'll eat -- it's all up to what my fellow knitters bring. But it promises to be a fun night. I made a baked macaroni casserole, which I believe is one of my all-time favorite pasta dishes. So simple, so cheesy, so YUM!


vbjenn said...

The macaroni was very yummy... and the night was lots of fun. Am so happy that Linda let us invade! Finished the turtle shell mitts, on to the next project, or maybe some lesson plans! Was good to see you.

reluctantMANGO said...

Awwww.... Now I'm really sad I missed the potluck! Mac and cheese is my favorite!!! I do have cute hair though :) See you next week.